Your Guide to Open Water Swimming

Hey 👋,
Thanks for stopping by, we have pulled together this handy little Guide to Open Water Swimming! Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced swimmer or triathlete, this guide will provide you with the information you need to safely and confidently enjoy open water swimming. We’ll cover topics such as safety, equipment, technique, and training. With this guide, you’ll be able to make the most of your open water swimming experience. Let’s get started!
The Benefits of Open Water Swimming: Why You Should Give It a Try
Are you looking for a new way to get your daily exercise? Don’t mind getting your hair wet and occasionally a little cold…  If so, you should consider giving open water swimming a go! It’s a great way to get your heart rate up and enjoy a workout. Plus, you get to enjoy the outdoors and take in some beautiful scenery. Here are some of the benefits that will make you want to jump in the water right away!
1. You’ll Get a Full-Body Workout: Swimming is a great way to get a full-body workout. You’ll be using your arms, legs, and core to propel yourself through the water. Plus, you’ll be getting a great cardio workout as well.
2. You’ll Feel Refreshed and Rejuvenated: Swimming in open water is a great way to clear your mind and relax and enjoy the great outdoors!
3. You’ll Make New Friends: There’s definitely a select group of hardy people who enjoy swimming outdoors and they are always a friendly bunch! Getting out is a great way to connect with other swimmers and make some new friends as crazy as you.
Surely we’ve convinced you by now?
What to Wear for Open Water Swimming: What equipment will I need?
1. First off on our list is a Wetsuit: This is in our opinion, is a must-have for Open Water Swimming or Triathlon. Not only will it keep you warm, but it will also provide buoyancy and help you stay afloat. We recommend Zone3 you can find their range of suits here.
2. Goggles: You’ll need a pair of goggles. Not only to allow you to see where you’re going but to protect your eyes from the sun and if you venture into the sea, the salt water. Make sure they fit snugly and don’t leak. (Depending on the air temperature and the water temperature goggles may fog up on occasions, try not to rub your lenses with your fingers to keep the anti fog coating as effective as possible).
3. A Swim Cap: A swim cap will help keep you warm and visible (try to wear a bright coloured cap) it will also keep the hair out of your face and protect your head from the sun.
4. Suncream: Yes this may seem like a strange one, but the water reflects light and you can end up with a burned face from a long swim. Look for suncream that is specifically for athletes. It should be sweat proof, and water resistant or waterproof. If you have sensitive skin look for hypo-allergenic sunscreens.
6. A Towel: You’ll need a towel to dry off after your swim. Make sure it’s big enough to wrap around your body. (If you are in colder climates a dry robe is also a great addition. Not only does it keep you warm and helps you dry off, they are big enough to get changed in). You can check out some dry robes here.
7. A Tow Float: These are essentially the equivalent of a bike helmet. They are made in super bright colours and are very light. It won’t create drag in the water as it floats behind you. This helps boats, kayakers, lifeguards, and other swimmers see where you are and in the case of becoming tired or getting cramp, you can hang onto the buoy until you are ready to carry on swimming. You can check out these here.
8. Anti Chafe: Yep, we’ve all been there.. A wetsuit can provide some chafing in certain areas…. So what can be done about it?  Well it’s time to get slippery. Lube up your skin with anti-chafing formulas such as BodyGlide, Zone 3 Organic Anti Chafe Balm or even baby oil works as well.
So now you have your Equipment, what’s next…
Training for Open Water Swimming: Tips for Getting Started
1.Become Confident in your stroke:
It is essential you become comfortable and strong in your stroke while in the pool to ensure you are not only confident enough, but competent enough to swim outdoors. Most triathletes choose front crawl/Freestyle since it’s the fastest and can be done for long periods of time. It is great to have the ability to swim another stroke as well as front crawl. You don’t have to be completely competent at the second stroke, but being able to swim in a different way is useful to allow you to recover during practice or even during a race. This is often breaststroke or backstroke. Be sure to choose whatever is best for you.
2. Bilateral Breathing:
Yep, you will need to learn to breathe on both sides. Not only is this good for general form and technique but it plays another role in open water. Open water at times can be unpredictable and you may end up swimming in choppy water. This may leave you with no alternative than to breathe to the side you are weaker on.
Don’t be put off by this, although it may feel a bit strange at first it gets easier over time and becomes second nature before you know it.
3. Sighting:
This is probably one of those terms that you have heard way before you get in the water. This is because sighting is important! And can save seconds possibly minutes off of your time depending on how much you wiggle/veer when swimming. When we are in the open water we don’t have the luxury of lines on the bottom of the pool to follow (following the clouds in backstroke wont help either..), so here are a few tips to try in the pool before hitting the big blue.
- Just look up in the pool as if you’re a crocodile looking over the water. Try to be discreet as possible and not let it disrupt your stroke rhythm.
- Swim in a straight line and close your eyes while you swim. When you open your eyes, observe which way you swerved and adjust your stroke accordingly.
4. Treading Water:
Apart from general acclimatisation and stopping to have a look around to enjoy the landscape or wait on your friends, treading water may also be required if you enter any races. Not all races will let you start from a nice sandy beach, or be waist deep. In these type of races you will need to start in deep water, which will require you to tread water for quite some time.
This means it is something you will need to practice and when you do, make sure you can go from treading water straight into your front crawl stroke. You can do this in the pool. Instead of pushing off the wall, start your length on the “T”. Tread water on your front for a few seconds then go straight into your stroke.
5. Turning:
Nearly every open water swim/race you enter you will have some turns to complete round a buoy.
If you have space and a training partner, you can practice turning in a pool, ask your training partner if you can swim up and around them. It’s a good substitute as you most likely don’t have buoy’s at home.
6. Group Swimming:
Mass Starts and Drafting, the really fun stuff! just don’t get kicked in the face, yeah?
Mass starts and swimming close to lots of people can be a bit intimidating at first, but the more you practice this the easier it becomes and more comfortable you will be with it.
Drafting –  Using a person in front of you to clear a wake and pull you through the water, while ideally not kicking you in the face – is legal. Make sure you find a good pair of legs to draft and you’ll save a lot of energy (just make sure they’re going in the right direction)!
If you’re in the pool with other people, you can practice these skills. By starting 2 at a time, a set of 4 x 50m focusing on drafting would definitely do the trick. And remember, you can benefit from drafting both by swimming at the hip-level of another person, and by staying behind them. The first option is preferred because if you lose that position you still have the second one. So train both ways.
Safety Tips for Open Water Swimming: How to Stay Safe
It’s important to remember it can be dangerous if you don’t take the proper safety precautions. Here are some tips to help you stay safe whilst out enjoying your swim:
1. Don’t go alone. It’s always best to swim with a buddy, especially if you’re in unfamiliar waters. That way, if something happens, you’ll have someone to help you out. You should also ensure others know where you are and when you plan to return… Any issues, they can send out a search party!
2. Wear a bright cap and use a tow float:  Even if you’re a strong swimmer, it’s always a good idea to have a tow float with you, not only is it a luminous colour so that boats and other people on the water can see you. It’s also great for storing things such as car keys or other small accessories.
3. Check the weather. Before you head out, make sure you check the weather forecast. If there’s a chance of thunderstorms or high winds, it’s best to stay on dry land.
4. Be aware of your surroundings. Keep an eye out for boats, other swimmers, and any other potential hazards.
5. Don’t swim too far. Know your limits and don’t push yourself too hard. If you’re feeling tired, take a break and rest.
6. Have a plan. Make sure you have a plan for getting back to shore if you get lost or disoriented.
7. Have fun! Swimming can be a great way to enjoy nature and get some exercise. Just remember to stay safe!
Open Water Swimming Races: How to Prepare and What to Expect
Once you’re ready to go, it’s time to expect the unexpected. Open water swimming races can be unpredictable, so be prepared for anything. You may encounter choppy waters, strong currents, and even wildlife (don’t worry sharks are probably more scared of you, just give them a little wave and keep going). It’s also important to remember that you’ll be competing against other swimmers, so you’ll need to stay focused and keep your eyes on the prize.
Finally, don’t forget to have fun! These races can be a great way to challenge yourself and push your limits. So don’t forget to enjoy the experience and take in the scenery.
If you are looking to gain some confidence and take part in some coached sessions before going in at the deep end, check out our available swim courses, Click here to get in touch with us.